increase personal fulfillment

In a hectic world, it is common to feel unhappy or in need of self-fulfilment. Or maybe you simply feel as if you do not have enough?

Or it might be that your material wealth or relationships are not as you desire them to be. You might catch yourself wondering, “if I just had this, I would feel happy…”.

Where does self-fulfilment come from?

The truth is, self-fulfilment does not always come from material things. Fulfilment is a mentality, and happiness runs abound, around and inside you when you can find contentment and inner peace.

Here are 7 steps that you implement to increase personal fulfilment:

No.1: Immerse yourself in an environment of positivity

Your level of happiness to a large extent is linked to the environment you are in.

Assess your current relationships and decide whether certain individuals are positive or negative connections. If you find that many people are holding you back or contributing to your own bad habits or have vastly different values to you, then stop associating with them. Diplomatically…of course!

Instead, reach out to those who are going to support you and your ideas and encourage positive developments and habits.

No.2: Conceptualise your success and go for it

Creating goals for yourself across different areas of your life allows you to focus and consequently: achieve. To do this you need to complete your plan ensuring it is specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. This will increase your motivation and commitment to ensure you make progress. 

Quantifying goals makes in this way makes them more tangible. And more tangible goals makes them more practical. And more practical goals are more reachable.

No.3: Celebrate

Some personalities are more susceptible than others in regards to forgetting to appreciate what they have achieved. Regardless, everyone from time to time forgets to celebrate what they have done in a way that is useful for reflecting and improving on reaching their goals. From a professional development perspective simply increasing the frequency of the right kind of celebration can be extremely effective in pushing people towards their goals.

personal fulfilment

No.4: Take control

Have you ever heard of the Locus of Control theory?

It stipulates that there are two key attitudes to one’s life and life situation: internal and external. These exist on a spectrum and not as a dichotomy.

A person with an internal locus of control believes that they are responsible for their life and their actions and that events follow logically based on their own interactions with the environment and others.

Someone with an external locus of control on the other hand believes that they are a product of their environment. They believe that their personal situation is out of their own control and that they are helpless to change their circumstances.

Dreams come true when you follow them and take the leaps necessary to get to well-defined, ambitious and realistic goals.

personal fulfilment

No.5: Be helpful (though do not let it take over your life)

Sharing your time, money and skills with those that will benefit from them will increase your level of personal fulfilment. This is because these activities increase the amount of purpose one has in the world. By contributing to others lives, internal life satisfaction increases.

personal fulfilment

No.6: Practice self-care

Take care to look after yourself.

This includes:

  • Eating a healthy and nutritious, varied diet
  • Keeping clean and well groomed
  • Getting a reasonable amount of sleep
  • Getting a regular amount of exercise, with periods of sustained cardiovascular and muscle exercises each week.

Ensuring that you commit to and structure the above routines in your life will allow you to feel more content. Consequently, attaining personal fulfilment will be considerably easier.

personal fulfilment

No.7: Stay positive

While it may seem as if your life is hard at times, you must look within and acknowledge the aspects that are working well. Find the situations and people in your life for which you are grateful and that appreciate you – focus on these.

This will not only help you to feel a greater sense of fulfilment, but you will also be able to see the areas in your life that are lacking. Identifying these are areas will help you develop them to a greater extent.

Self-fulfilment does not happen immediately, it takes time and a consistent effort, but if you follow the above steps and take direct action to change your daily habits, you can become more fulfilled quickly and simply.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and please stay tuned to for more advice about everything CPD.

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