Q Where did the name Leap Like A Salmon come from?
A When we were setting up the business we wanted a memorable name and one that represented what we were about. From discussions with lots of people this is the one we liked and a few years on we get lots of comments about our name that they like it and remember it.
Q What does Leap Like A Salmon mean?
A It is a metaphor, a figure of speech that describes what we are about. Which is journey, challenge, going against the grain, swimming upstream. We are about the LEAP you need to take in your career, professional development and give you the tools to capture and manage your CPD.
Q What is CPD?
A CPD stands for continuing professional development. It is about you maintaining, improving and broadening skills and knowledge. It is essential in order to stay up to date with the latest thinking, within your profession, so you can be the best at your job. However, CPD is more than keeping up to date, the more self-aware you are the more informed and the more you reflect. The ability to apply these insights is key to enhancing learning, credibility, and confidence in raising standards.
Q Why is CPD important?
A CPD is important as it demonstrates your commitment to your development. If you are responsible for your own CPD you need to be in control of your future career prospects.
Q How do I know my work is secure and confidential?
A We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected and we strictly adhere to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications regulations 2003. Privacy settings are automatically set up as private for all members. There is a secure socket layer (SSL) which is a protocol for encrypting information over the internet. We are also GDPR compliant.
Q What is social media?
A This is a term used for connections you have on the internet and the information you share. Examples of these are Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook. It can be a very powerful tool if you use it well and target your market.
Q What is an ePortfolio?
A This is a place where you can keep all your records/plans/files for your development. It can also be a way of keeping your CV current and assists you to manage your career. An e-portfolio has the power to transform life long learning.
Q What are some accountancy tips?
A If you manage your accounts well, this can reduce your costs. You need to keep your receipts in order and categories as well as a spread sheet showing all your sales and purchases.
Q What are tags?
A These are within the ePortfolio and allow you to label your activities which will assist you in organising and quickly finding your work.
Q What ensures a business is successful?
A This all depends on what sort of business it is and how it is managed. Some key areas I would say are that you need to get your product or service right and be passionate about it. Use your network well and fully utilise marketing opportunities.
Q What are some tips on how to manage time effectively?
A One of the key things with this is to Know yourself. Understand your habits and why you always leave things to the last minute for example. Plan and prioritise your day and always do the biggest most difficult task first. In doing this you will feel more in control and will not waste time being concerned about a big task that you keeping putting off.
Q What is HR?
A It stands for Human Resources, in other words the people of any business.
Q At team meetings on CPD the same people always talk, so they become predictable. How do I get other people to contribute?
A It’s a common problem. Two tactics. One: I try to let people know what is on the agenda via a brief email on the morning of the session. Not a long agenda, as that puts people off as well. Two: I think it is down to the meeting leader to moderate the session actively and to politely close down the over zealous contributors and directly ask from contributions from everyone equally that are present. Setting up that regular expectation and sticking to it will stop the sessions being dominated by the same people. Clear agreed actions out the back of any meeting are always also essential.
Q What is the Leap CPD Process?
A Our cycle demonstrates the process we go through when we are learning and managing our development. This is a key model that should be used to assist you with your development and how it links to the different activities within ‘Leap CPD Hub’. In any learning we go through a cycle consciously or subconsciously in that we are initially aware of our development need, plan what to do, carry out our learning and then review or reflect on this LEAP is unique in that it follows this same process: Learn, Evaluate, Assess, Plan.