When I reflect on some of my career achievements I realize that I am a risk taker, and clearly driven to achieve, although not obvious to me!

This is a good back drop to the start of any new business and particularly leaplikeasalmon.com as the journey has not been straight forward, as ever. However, keeping focused on our goals, having a talented team, keeping positive and not giving up when the going gets tough has helped us get there with our unique website for online CPD.

 A highlight for us this last year, was the opportunity to launch our website at the prestigious CIPD ACE exhibition in Manchester in November 2012.

 Six Key Lessons:

  1. Ensure you have a well thought through business plan
  2. Carry out research to confirm the market
  3. Seek out the best people that are positive and support your product
  4. Believe in yourself and your idea and/or product
  5. If things go wrong, analyse, reflect, learn from it and regroup, but never give up.
  6. Integrity is important, no matter what happens always keep yours.


Aim this year :

#CPD to be a trending topic

 With this in mind help me do this by sharing, commenting, retweeting and I will leave you with my favourite quote :

“Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t you’re right”

Henry Ford.


Karen Waite

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